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Advanced Skeleton -- Softmod cluster control axis gets weird after parent joints translate?

grand marshal polycounter
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Alex_J grand marshal polycounter

I am using the latest version of advanced skeleton in maya 2018. I am using a modified version of the cat demo rig. The only modifications I've made are on the feet and face, and the addition of softmod cluster controls which I use for correction/volume loss.

The selected softmod cluster control's behavior becomes strange after moving the nearby joints. The move tool axis's get reversed somehow so that z becomes y and so on.

As I understand, the cluster control gets parented to the nearest joint. In this case I think that would be one of the spine joints. The erratic behavior happens after I move the leg IK controls.

I've tried manipulating the axis of the cluster control but the behavior seems independent of that. In other words, switching to component or object space shows no change.

Not a game breaking bug but does slow things down a bit. Any help is appreciated!

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