I am sorry if this topic appears again but i am still confused about the metalness workflow and was wondering if someone could help me out and shed some light on it
Lets take the IOR first. First of all i am confused by all those different IOR lists excisting online.
If I take "Iron" for example, I can find totally different values online.
For example on cgsociety its 1.51 and on pixelandpoly i get 2.950
I even found values underneath 1, which confuses me even more.
https://forums.cgsociety.org/t/a-complete-ior-list/1070401https://pixelandpoly.com/ior.htmlIf i take 1.51 for example then i get something close to plastic, 2.95 looks already more like Iron to me.
Chrome I believe has a similar IOR, close to 2.95
When setting up my chromeball as a reference to the IBL I was using an IOR close to 2.95.
When using the metallness workflow i get a completely different result depending on my base color (albedo) map.
When setting the base color albedo to 1 which would be pure white, I get a much brighter and stronger reflection then with the IOR 2.95.
I think i have to set it to 10 or 15 instead to get a similar result. But on the other hand, i thought there can`t be anything more reflective then chrome, which means in theory i shouldn`t go much higher then 3.
So what is correct and what is wrong? How would i set up a correct chromeball with the metalness workflow?
Should I never go that high with my albedo map when using metalness?
On the other hand, when i check under presets arnold gives me a chrome preset with metalness 1 and albedo completely white, which means to get the same effect the old fashion way i have to set the IOR way above the actual chrome IOR of 2.95.
As a last question. Is there metal which is less reflective arround the edge? I can remember in good old mental ray times i could darken the edge(fresnel) for metal.
But i still don`t understand why cranking up the IOR to 20 for metal when in the IOR list its actually somewhere arround 3?
I initialy thought the IOR is more correct then the metalness but metallness makes it easier to paint maps for.
So when setting the IOR to 3 which is roughly chrome, then i would at least expect a similarity when setting metallness to 1. But to get the same result i have to set the IOR to 20. Thats what i don`t understand right now