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7th Alakajam! September 20-22nd | Make a game in 48 hours

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Alakajam! is a happy little community aiming at hosting regular game jams & other gamedev-related events.
We're hosting a main competition on the September 20-22 week-end, with the goal for all entrants to finish a game in 48 hours, either solo or as a team.

Schedule overview
Theme submissions start on Sep. 6th (2 weeks early), while the two weeks after the jam will be used to let people play each other's games, exchange feedback and ratings.
We have a karma system in place making sure that the more feedback you give, the more visible your game is to get feedback in exchange!

Previous events
Check the Events page for a look at the past jams we held. Other than the typical 48 hour jams, we host other events like gaming tournaments where we compete on jam games.

Getting in the loop
If you're interested, you can follow the event on Twitter and/or directly join us on our Discord channel. We have a special channel on discord to find a team if you don't want to participate alone and don't already have a team ;)

And of course make sure to register to the website so you can start submitting themes, why not post to introduce yourself... and eventually post your game.

We hope to see you around!
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