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the right hair-card-scale-correlation

polycounter lvl 6
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goekbenjamin polycounter lvl 6
When placing hair cards,
I find it hard to find the correct scale correlations between the head-mesh and the hair card itself.

Maya is set to "cm"-Unit:
My Body-Mesh has about average height of 180 cm

what I do is:

- Hair-Texture is 2048x2048
- i create a plane (width: 40.960, height: 40.960)
- assign a material with the albedo texture on it:

then I move the border with "preserve UV" until I get the desired haircard:

now I pace it above the head to check it afterward in marmoset:
you can see the single strand is too thick as to be realistic

so I scaled the card 50% down and watched it in marmoset again:
the thickness looks now ok in relation with the head

What is your way to avoid such scaling issues in the beginning?

I know hair cards are surely discussed to death :D
but that is something I did not manage to find a good solution.
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