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[WIP] Neon Alleyway

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chellewwxy triangle
Hi polycount, I started this project yesterday. Through this project, I want to achieve a realistic-looking environment. I'll be focusing more on material and lighting (want to get some really good-looking reflection), less modelling.  
C&C would be really really appreciated:)

Here's the reference I found online, right now I'm working on blocking out the big chunks.


  • chellewwxy
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    chellewwxy triangle
    Lighting set up (draft) finished, will definitely need to put more work on it, but I'll start to work on some assets first.


    -Wall and ground material (paintable puddle)

  • vzdragon
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    vzdragon polycounter lvl 6
    Looks like a fun project. I think it'd be cool if you could get volumetric lighting seeping in through the top as well.!
  • chellewwxy
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    chellewwxy triangle
    vzdragon said:
    Looks like a fun project. I think it'd be cool if you could get volumetric lighting seeping in through the top as well.!
    Oh that'd be a really cool idea! Thank you and I'll be sure to try that out at the final stage! 
  • chellewwxy
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    chellewwxy triangle

    Today I learnt vertex painting in UE4 (luckily Unity and Unreal are pretty alike so it didn't take long to figure it out). I also made the material for the wall and puddle (took a few attempts to get the right look). I also adjust the lighting a bit after applying the materials.

    I asked one of my Japanese friends what are these bars coving the window, she said it is a kind of window protector. I then looked for some reference for the main objects.


    -Main objects modelling (Window, window protector, eaves, ‘table’, billboard, fence/door, tube).

    -Advanced vertex painting (the mud around the edge of the puddle).

  • chellewwxy
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    chellewwxy triangle
    Today I worked on modelling props in the scene, I have been busy with some other event so only spent like 2 hours working on this project today. Finished UVs these too.


    -Main objects modelling (eaves - sculpt the unsmooth edges and surface/layer, ‘table’, billboard, fence/door, tube).


    -When export, keep some objects separated, as I might need to adjust the position in Unreal.  

    -Advanced vertex painting (the mud around the edge of the puddle).

  • chellewwxy
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    chellewwxy triangle
    Made the pipes today. Have been busy with some other stuff, but hopefully will be able to concentrate on this project again on the weekend.
  • chellewwxy
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    chellewwxy triangle

    Finally got some time to work on this project.

    Today I modelled the drain cover, refined the pipe set, layout the UVs properly, and started to model the bottle container.



    -Main objects modelling (cap of the bottle container, bottle, billboard, fence/door,).


    -When export, keep some objects separated, as I might need to adjust the position in Unreal. 

    -Advanced vertex painting (the mud around the edge of the puddle).

  • chellewwxy
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    chellewwxy triangle

    Today I modelled the bottle container/box, the lid, and the bottle.


    -Export, Texturing

    -Main objects modelling (billboard, fence/door,).

    -When export, keep some objects separated, as I might need to adjust the position in Unreal. 

    -Advanced vertex painting (the mud around the edge of the puddle).

  • chellewwxy
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    chellewwxy triangle

    Today I textured most of the objects and placed them into the scene. I found the lighting really bad so I decided to relight the whole scene.



    -Set up lighting again

    -Main objects modelling (billboard, fence/door,).

    -When export, keep some objects separated, as I might need to adjust the position in Unreal. 

    -Advanced vertex painting (the mud around the edge of the puddle).

  • chellewwxy
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    chellewwxy triangle

    Today I relight the scene, still doesn't feel right..

  • chellewwxy
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    chellewwxy triangle

    Worked on lighting again today, I think I’ll leave it like this for now. Then I started to work on modelling the assets.

  • chellewwxy
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    chellewwxy triangle

    Modelled and UVed these two metal boxes thingy today… I kinda know what it does but not sure how do people call it.

  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    Hey, I'd say increase the roughness variation for your wall texture. Your scene is also feeling a bit cramped. Maybe widen the alley by a meter or so?
  • Amasahir
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    Amasahir polycounter lvl 3
    The scene is coming along nicely. Based on the reference, you can see bounce lighting on the crates underneath the plank. The blue and purple are a lot more saturated than what they look like right now. You might want to use more reflection captures and definitely play around with post process. The modelling is really good, the reference is a really awesome composition can't wait to see more!
  • chellewwxy
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    chellewwxy triangle
    Hey, I'd say increase the roughness variation for your wall texture. Your scene is also feeling a bit cramped. Maybe widen the alley by a meter or so?
    Hi Ashervisalis, thank you for your feedback! I'll be sure to have a look of the distance again once I get most of the modelling done. I struggled quite a bit with the propostion/perspective of things as I'm not sure what's the field of view of the camera. Thank you for pointing that out again!
  • chellewwxy
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    chellewwxy triangle
    Amasahir said:
    The scene is coming along nicely. Based on the reference, you can see bounce lighting on the crates underneath the plank. The blue and purple are a lot more saturated than what they look like right now. You might want to use more reflection captures and definitely play around with post process. The modelling is really good, the reference is a really awesome composition can't wait to see more!
    Hi Amasahir, thank you for the feedback! Yeah I agree with your opinion, will try to improve the lighting after finish putting these assets in. Thanks again! Really appreciated!
  • chellewwxy
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    chellewwxy triangle

    Today I UVed the metal box and these objects in the image, also started to texture them.


    -Keep working on texturing

    -export again fbx

    -soften bevel edges

    -When export, keep some objects separated, as I might need to adjust the position in Unreal. 

    -Advanced vertex painting (the mud around the edge of the puddle).

  • chellewwxy
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    chellewwxy triangle

    Today I finished up texturing and worked on improving the set up and lighting.



    -soften bevel edges, export

    -When export, keep some objects separated, as I might need to adjust the position in Unreal. 

    -Advanced vertex painting (the mud around the edge of the puddle).

  • chellewwxy
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    chellewwxy triangle

    Worked on the lighting and layout a bit more, also modelled the drain cover.

    For next I’ll start to improve the quality of the scene, really get into the details (e.g. get the wall texture look right, the dirt on the ground.)


    -details (ground dirt, wall…)

    -Advanced vertex painting (the mud around the edge of the puddle).

  • Brain_Slave
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    Brain_Slave polycounter lvl 6
    Seems like a good solid base for further improvements. In my opinion, the most noticable difference is that original lighting feels more vibrant and sharp, you might want to increase global lighting intensity in the future.

    There's also a bit of pink-ish gradient from the bottom of original image. It makes it look kinda misty and unusual.
  • chellewwxy
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    chellewwxy triangle
    Seems like a good solid base for further improvements. In my opinion, the most noticable difference is that original lighting feels more vibrant and sharp, you might want to increase global lighting intensity in the future.

    There's also a bit of pink-ish gradient from the bottom of original image. It makes it look kinda misty and unusual.
    Hi there, thank you for the feedback! It is really helpful! I'll be sure to keep these in mind!
  • chellewwxy
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    chellewwxy triangle

    Worked on the improving the detail today, the wall, the bottle container, lantern, lighting, and started thinking what to do for the ground.



    -details (ground dirt,)

  • chellewwxy
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    chellewwxy triangle

    Worked on lighting and got the subsurface scattering working.


    -details (ground dirt,) (darker)

  • chellewwxy
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    chellewwxy triangle

    Worked on the texturing mainly, reworked a lot of texture such as the pool of water, also worked on the lighting more.

  • Brain_Slave
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    Brain_Slave polycounter lvl 6
    Nice job so far! Reflections from the orangle lamp seems brighter on reference. And yes, you might want to work on overall illumination and post effects a bit more, because everything else look's fine at the moment. Good luck!
  • chellewwxy
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    chellewwxy triangle
    Nice job so far! Reflections from the orangle lamp seems brighter on reference. And yes, you might want to work on overall illumination and post effects a bit more, because everything else look's fine at the moment. Good luck!
    Hi there, thank you for the feedback! I'll be sure to set up the post effects properly!:)
  • chellewwxy
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    chellewwxy triangle

    Worked on improving the pieces as a whole today (texture, position, lighting).



    -wall dirt (using the decal)

    -barrier height

    -pipe dirt

    -wall prop

  • chellewwxy
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    chellewwxy triangle

    Again, been working on the detail. Learnt how to texture using decals today which is really helpful.


    -wall prop, window protector prop; wire


  • chellewwxy
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    chellewwxy triangle

    Today I modelled the rest of the smaller props in the scene, and worked on the lighting and material detail a bit more.

    I also added a light function for the lantern light.

    I think this is pretty much done for now, but one thing I will do for the next few days is to try to develop the story content of the scene further.

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