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[Realtime] Head UV, most texel density

polycounter lvl 6
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goekbenjamin polycounter lvl 6
I recently noticed a "special" (or common?) way in laying out a head uv to get more texel density on areas which are more important (face) over other areas (top/back of the head)

This would look something like that:

notice that the UV space is fully used, the face-part is even, and the outer uvs are a bit stretched, but that does not matter in certain cases (hairs, hats, shirts does cover that areas)

while mine attempt does look like this (at best):

what is your approach to unwrapping a realtime characters head?


  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter

    In the above video, pay attention to the parts where they straighten the shells. You just do the same thing for the edges of the head.

    For instance, grab the UV's along the top part of your shell there, up until they start to curve pretty hard. Use align or scale tool to make them all flat. Then pin them.

    Then go down and do the same things with the sides and bottom, so the edges of your shell are making a square. And then that they are all pinned. Then select the shell or all UV's, and unfold. Voila!

    And you don't really need to use pin tool either. You can just select the border UV's, then hold shift and drag to invert the selection, and then do optimize.

  • goekbenjamin
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    goekbenjamin polycounter lvl 6
    @Alex Javor thanks alot! i dont know how i could have missed that video in first place?
    in my defense, this website is alittle bit messy D:

    Again this will surely help me alot! Thanks so much!

    In the meantime i played with pinning and optimizing tools and that is what got (i only concentrated on the face itself, no mouthbag etc):

    and a suuuper quick substance test here


    i just watched the whole video, and there is a alot of things i did not know!
    Alex, you are my todays hero :D
  • Alex_J
    Offline / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    yep, i was having the issue as you for awhile till i stumbled on that channel. Lots of good shit in there.
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