I am trying to create script in maxscript with usage of dot.net. I have dataGridView form with comboBoxes. Problem is when i try to register event handlers for every combobox.
I tried the approach from official faq here: <a rel="nofollow" href="https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/a44622c0-74e1-463b-97b9-27b87513747e/windows-forms-data-controls-and-databinding-faq?forum=winformsdatacontrols#faq17" title="Link: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/a44622c0-74e1-463b-97b9-27b87513747e/windows-forms-data-controls-and-databinding-faq?forum=winformsdatacontrols#faq17">https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/a44622c0-74e1-463b-97b9-27b87513747e/windows-forms-data-controls-and-databinding-faq?forum=winformsdatacontrols#faq17</a>
In my rollout there is dotNetControl lbxLoadedMaterials with following event:
- -- lbxLoadedMaterials is dataGridView
- on lbxLoadedMaterials EditingControlShowing args do
- (
- local control = args.Control
- if control != undefined then
- (
- dotNet.RemoveEventHandler control "SelectedIndexChanged" ::g_MaterialLibraryDesigner.ComboBoxIndexChanged
- dotNet.addEventHandler control "SelectedIndexChanged" ::g_MaterialLibraryDesigner.ComboBoxIndexChanged
- dotNet.setLifeTimeControl control #dotnet
- )
- )
in ::g_MaterialLibraryDesigner there is my method for checking index:
- public function ComboBoxIndexChanged sender args =
- (
- print "test write"
- print args
- ),
The problem is, that event is not firing, not even errors appears.
Does anyone know, where the problem lies?
Thanks a lot!