I've been working on some hand painted work recently, and decided to base the project around one of my favourite book series, the Disc World novels by Terry Pratchett. Art style inspired by WoW (roughly).
At the moment I'm working on the coat of arms for the city of Ankh Morpork, it's pretty unique:

In one of the books, Feet of Clay, the main character comes across a courtyard that houses an owl and two hippos that, after given orders, assemble themselves like the above image, holding the shield as seen.
My idea is to take this and translate it into 3D, creating a coat of arms that's based off of a real life scene.

This is my progress so far, having got the base to a good stage I will now start work on the hippos and owl.
Any feedback would be great!
After that I'll refine the forms and add in some details and texture!
Want to add in a character to the scene to tie the story of the piece together
Any critique welcome!
Anyway, keep up the good work.
Will be working on some of the feedback next