Hello all! My goal is to work as a Character Artist at a game/ VR studio in either California or New York. I'd prefer AAA studios, but it's not totally necessary. I'd be willing to do MMO or mobile games as long as i get to do characters. I've spent most of my career as a modeller for feature films, but have struggled to break into the game industry. Been searching for about a year now. Could i please get some feedback on my artstation portfolio?
I'm looking for any honest feedback and recommendations. Like what looks good? what should i remove? What should i make more of? any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
I have been looking for junior/associate character openings, but they seem pretty rare nowadays and it sounds like i'm not even qualified for those. The postings say i need to have already shipped a AAA game, but i'm not sure how i will get that kind of experience in the first place. Maybe i'll start off with an outsourcing studio to get the experience.
I wouldn't worry too much about the experience requirement you see on a lot of postings unless it's for a senior or lead role. I think this requirement is often there to filter out complete novices from applying. Your work is good enough that you should feel comfortable applying even if there's a 'must have shipped title' in the job posting (imho). Good luck!