Hello! I'm trying to achieve a perfect result in normal map baking, however, I noticed an issue while baking it in Marmoset 3.08
on the pictures, you may see the difference of baking in Marmoset (M) and a perfect result in Substance Painter (SP)
do you have any ideas of what I might be doing wrong?
Also, make sure your low poly mesh is triangulated before importing into both Toolbag and Painter. If not, the quads may be triangulated differently be each app.
Some more info on general baking techniques here: https://marmoset.co/posts/toolbag-baking-tutorial/
1) I created the sphere with uv such as half of the sphere without uv cuts and the second half - full with cuts (see the attachments)
2) I triangulated the lowpoly sphere
3) baked both in marmoset and painter (i import everything in painter to check out, that's why all the screenshots are from there)
looks like no matter what the seams are always visible if the object becomes slightly metallic)
so on uv splits you will always have a minor (but still visible) uv seam, right?
in this case, how do people in production split 1 face into 10 uv tiles without getting the seams in the end?
Generally speaking it is wise to minimize the amount of UV seams (though balancing amount of seams vs distortion is important), to place them along natural seam areas (where there is a shift from one surface type to another), and to hide them in less visible areas.
I've got one more question:
I work in maya. before exporting the mesh to marmo I averaged the vertices, triangulated. but baking the normal map gave me the following artifacts.
when I separate the collar from the coat that part is baked ok
when I took a look at the mesh in maya, I also haven't found any shading problems