I recently started using MAYA and am new to it with my knowledge limited to only the modeling part. I created a scene using basic modeling but the problem is that file size is to big for objects modeled.
The scene represents a Class room which should of fairly low size as compared to whopping 92 MB !! in size.
Key points:
1. Every object was modeled separately and then imported into a single file, so final file was created after importing of 7- to - 8 objects,
2. I first imported all the required objects(mouse,keyboard,C.P.U ,etc) to form a table setup and then exported this file into a new file for modeling final classroom scene.
3. There was an error once in opening the scene file where shader got deleted or corrupted and I had to manually add shader to objects.
Here I am providing too files and I think probably both have same problem, so if download size is a issue you can choose file with low size (Table Setup) but I am looking for a solution for the big file (Classroom).
Files are given here:
Classroom (Size 92 MB) :
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M8dYaCwPeMldXJolqEOBLGYgHKtQnWWn/view?usp=sharingTable Setup (Size 12 MB):
https://drive.google.com/file/d/11RBe5Wvyfsojw9a-hH9lBrTh7JUEyMOr/view?usp=sharingMETHODS TRIED BUT NOT WORKING :
1. Optimize scene file - No significant change in file size (i.e. in KBs) .
2. Exporting and importing objects .
Please provide a solution for this problem, your help is much appreciated .
But could you clarify my following doubts :
1. Were there any other errors that could cause increase in file size.
2. I don't know the concept of baking normals map, so could you explain what are these and how to avoid these while modeling.
3. Is there any way to change unique duplicates to instances or did you deleted unique duplicates first and then replaced them with instances.
Also it will be helpful if you could send the corrected file as I will be able review my mistakes.
Thanks in advance!
Why do you think your file is to big?
You probably want to set up a separate scene that contains the final layout, you might want to reference several batches of files so you can go work on them in isolation and not have to worry about all of the other data in the scene. If you cut up your scene wisely you will be able to load/unload large chunks of it which should help with performance.
Keep in mind that edits to referenced files will bloat the scene as well, it keeps track of each edit in a giant list (File > Reference Editor > File > List Reference Edits) so it is better to go back to the original file, make your changes and then go back to the final scene where the changes are just pulled in automatically.
It can help to parent objects to locators and use the locators to position the object in the scene. That way you can make sweeping changes to the meshes that might screw with their pivot and you won't lose it's actual location and orientation in the final scene.
File > Optimize Scene Size
You might have a lot useless data just sitting around that isn't needed. I've had 500mb files shrink down to 150mb.
Lastly, know that Maya's viewport is kind of crappy at handling large amount of objects and polygons. If you use references you can unload large chunks of the scene and improve performance. So think about how you It might be better to switch to something like a game engine. Unreal is a great tool for laying out scenes and adding animations, plus it looks great, is responsive and Sequencer is pretty cool. You should check it out.