Hi, I'm Pixelion8 and I'm really greatfull to have found this community.

I didn't knew about this place !
So I wan't to make my first contribution to the forum by showing my latest piece:

This little fellow comes from the new star wars game. I really liked the design of it so I tied to make a fan art thanks to the extended video presention of the gameplay one month ago. (thank to the software pure ref, I was able to have a good 100 pics ^^)
I chose to model it with max, then export it in zbrush to do the highpoly version :

I tried to work smart and save some UV's. Fortunatly he is very symetrical so I only worked on one leg because you will only be able to see the exterior of one and the exterior of the other. So nobody will be able to see it's mirrored !

Then some bakes with substance painter. I tried 8K, my computer cried

but it succed in the end). Unfortunatly I wasn't able to export 8K textures... maybe I need to upgrade my station.
Here only one set off 4K textures for the whole character:

Anyway, I finished my textures and I found that giving a scene to the character would be cool. So I tried for the first time substance designer and it was great ! I made The wall behind him with it.
The render was in Marmoset.
Here a quick GIF:

Comments are appreciated please don't hesitate I have a hard time finding artist feedback !