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Selling your first commercial 3D Asset?

polycounter lvl 5
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Amank679 polycounter lvl 5
Hi All,

I'll be selling my first commercial3D asset soon and I had a few questions.

I wanted to know, how I would go about getting my modeling software commercial, specifically, I'm using a student version of Maya and I know I would need to get either the LT version of the Indie version if I'll be selling something.

I know Blender assets can also be sold commercially. Since I'm more familar with Maya, my plan was to use the FBX file I exported out of Maya and reexport it out using Blender. I'm hoping that may make my asset ready for commercial use.

Please let me know if this is a good way to go about it or if yu know a better solution.

Thanks in advance!


  • Eric Chadwick
    Well, that workflow may work in the short term. But that's a shitty way to treat the software creators (Maya / Autodesk in this case).

    Software developers charge money for their software because, well, people gotta eat ya know. 

    Using an edu / eval version, and making money off it, is a "dick"  move.

    You may try to argue that Autodesk is a massive global conglomerate, and what does this one tiny thing really matter?

    It's a moral issue, and a slippery slope.

    I assume you want to be a game developer, earn enough to make a living. Why should people pay for your asset, when they can rip it for free? 

    That's basically what you're proposing to do with Autodesk.

    My 2 cents.
  • sacboi
    Online / Send Message
    sacboi veteran polycounter
    Do yourself a big fat favour and go legit, purchase a licence that enables commercial use otherwise expect the same done unto you somewhere down the track...that's if your stuff is actually worth the bother in the first place.
  • Amank679
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    Amank679 polycounter lvl 5
    Well, that workflow may work in the short term. But that's a shitty way to treat the software creators (Maya / Autodesk in this case).

    Software developers charge money for their software because, well, people gotta eat ya know. 

    Using an edu / eval version, and making money off it, is a "dick"  move.

    You may try to argue that Autodesk is a massive global conglomerate, and what does this one tiny thing really matter?

    It's a moral issue, and a slippery slope.

    I assume you want to be a game developer, earn enough to make a living. Why should people pay for your asset, when they can rip it for free? 

    That's basically what you're proposing to do with Autodesk.

    My 2 cents.
    Thanks for letting me know. Glad I posted this before doing something i'd regret.

    My other question was that I also have another set of assets that I modelled in the student version. You actually replied to that post as well.

    I'm wondering if I buy the indie version of Maya then export out of that version if it would overwrite the student aspects of the file?
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    There is no way to bypass the student version encoding. You'll need to buy LT and rebuild from scratch.
  • neilberard
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    neilberard polycounter lvl 18
    If the cost of Maya is prohibitive, you should just remodel the assets from scratch in Blender, it would force you to get better at Blender and you would have a workflow for future assets.
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