Hello. I wanted to say that I indeed googled this problem and I know that it is a known issue with several solutions, but I still have a question. I hope that someone will help me here

I need to texture an asset in PBR Specular Glossines workflow, but I also need to use opacity.
I tried, to download several ready presets, they weren't working I suppose that's because right now I am using Substance Painter 2019.1
I somehow manage to get this working, by starting project with normal metal roughness, then adding opacity channel. Then I got opacity working. And then I added glossines and specular and I deleted roughness and metallic channels.
And I think that it is kinda working, but I am not sure if smart materials are working properly, and I started to worry if this is some kind of hack that I made and it will blow up in my face later

Maybe someone also encoutered this problem and have some better idea how I should approach this ?