Thought I ought to try posting here again. This is a thing I've been doing as a bit of a practice project on and off for several months now.
Basically, I saw the nice concept drawings of the Star Fox 2 ships that Nintendo put up in their online manual for the game, and decided to see how well the designs worked in (non-SuperFX) 3D. It kind of snowballed from there. I've posted a bunch more on my Artstation here, along with some notes, if anyone wants a look: anyone has any thoughts about what does and doesn't work about these models, I would be very appreciative for the input.

That said, you seem to be using rendering tech from the early to mid 2000s? The blur and bloom on the dragon in particular look like something from the very earliest days of the XBOX360/PS3 generation of games, or maybe a bit earlier. I also don't see reflections on any of the metal or glass. Why are you using such outdated tech / rendering methods?
The only real material reference I could find were a couple of physical model shots done to promote the first game. (Example below.) The surface on it is pretty matte, but I wanted mine to look a bit more metallic.
Better quality video here:
What are you rendering the animation in?
I'm impressed by how faithful these designs are to this iteration of the Star Fox ship catalogue.