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Project Ope - 3D Character

polycounter lvl 5
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Joyd polycounter lvl 5
Hello guys !

Here's is my final result of Ope, my first PBR character.
I learned a lot and it was really fun to do.

Soft used on this project :
- Zbrush for Highpoly
- Blender for Retopo/Lowpoly
- Substance Painter for Baking/Texturing
- 3ds Max for rigging/skinning
- Marmoset for rendering

You've my link to Artstation here : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/dO6z3K

And my websites just below if you want to see more stuff :smile: !

Artstation : https://www.artstation.com/joyd
Twitter : https://twitter.com/Joyd_Art
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Joydsupbro/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/joydart/

[Final render]




[Concept Art done by @Rbz : https://twitter.com/RatonBallZ]

And little bonus, here is a timelapse for my sculpt : https://youtu.be/quxxHSyLRNA

If you have questions or feedbacks, Feel free to leave a comment :smile:

Thanks for watching and have a nice day ^^


  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    I'd recommend adding some wrinkles on the part of the cloth under the characters arms, right now it looks like its either extremely stretch or it simply wasn't made so he could lift his arms. The shirt should also conform more to the underlying body structure, its too undefined atm (like he's got a thin layer of foam between his chest and shirt).
  • pistachio
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    pistachio ngon master
    Ditto PolyHertz, I would've amped up the folds there and on the shorts to communicate that. Actually I see a lot of proportions and interesting angular stuff going on with the folds and the shapes of the original that you missed out on. Less if you aimed to change that style but it's still there. Face looks kind of feminine compared to original.
    Stuff to keep in mind for the next one if you are past this.
  • OscarGimenez
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    OscarGimenez polycounter lvl 7
    Nice render and texturing. Loving the hair and overall colour scheme
    I would watch their legs, look a bit shapeless around the knee and calf. And I would change a bit eyelids, he looks a bit pissed off compared to concept. Otherwise great job!!
  • Joyd
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    Joyd polycounter lvl 5
    Hello guys !

    Thank you @PolyHertz and @pistachio for your feedbacks ^^ !
    I'll keep that in mind for my 3rd project, this one is finished since some months ago, I just never put the time to post it, my next project will come next week ^^ !

    Merci @OscarGimenez !
    I should more work on legs, I saw that some weeks after the end of this project, I don't like feets on this character ^^' I'll do better next time !

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