Hey guys! we're looking to finalise our team with experienced individuals in the following positions: Environment artist,Animator, Designer, Coder, VFX artist.
We have a team of 7 full timers working diligently to make this project a reality. The roles currently filled:
Narrative writer, Gameplay Programmer, Composer and Sound Designer, Prop artist, Environment Artist, Character Artist and Concept Artist
Here's our high concept document detailing the game we're aiming to achieve.
Click here To see the rest of the document

The ideal candidate meets the following criteria:
- Intermediate knowledge of their discipline
- Good work-ethic and attitude
- Being able to work to deadlines, take criticism and make the reworks necessary
- A genuine interest in the surreal, uncomfortable aesthetic of psychological horror
It should be noted that all the experienced individuals already currently working on this project are doing so out of their own free time with the understanding that this is purely a project of passion. We're working hard to create something worthwhile and we seek to take this idea above and beyond.
In the next month and a half we will be creating a fleshed-out prologue and demo of our concept which will feature all the mechanics and designs we would see in a full game. If this initial demo gets off the ground, we will then at the appropriate time, seek funding and develop the project into a fully paid endeavour.
To apply for The job you can message me on discord: El fideo rubio#8764https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0AmwjD7cRQ