Hey everybody,
this time I have to make a rig of a game-ready templar character with some kind of long jacket (or skirt). I would like to test a dynamic to see how it works. Any inspirations or reference for technical solutions that I could use? I'm working with Maya and Unity. The goal is to animate in Maya actions like walks, runs, fight... I will also need to take care of the jaw for dialogue, although it's hidden in the beard, luckily.
Mobile requires optimization, you likely won't want the performance cost of a fully dynamic cloth sim, so you would bake sim anims down into bones and use skin weights. Or else bake the vertex animation into cache files.
Unity has addons for cloth, what have you checked out so far?
Jaw can be done with regular skinning. You could see if there's an automated lipsync tool that will convert sound files into jaw motion. Could save a ton of time.
And is there such automated lipsync u mentioned?
Performance gain.
Yes (search).
By the way, cloth component directly in Unity has been clearly rejected because it's to expensive in ressources.
This had to be repeated for hundreds of animations. And if there were animation tweaks, the sims had to be re-done. Only way to make this sane was to script it.
There might be something comparable for Maya. Have you checked the usual Melscript websites?
I can't believe how hard it is. After a few tests, for me, here's what seems to work best for now:
I guess it will be still hard to manage when I will need to redo some keyframe after that.
And I can't reduce the effects of this nucleus simulation nicely. It wobbles too much. My guess is a scale tweak or friction maybe, but whatever value I put in, nothing changes a lot. If you have some good tutorials on the subject, don't hesitate to share.
To record animation clip, create a timeline and loop your animation on it several times, add a recorder track and clip. Assign a game object, the Root joint in most cases, set Timeline to Autoplay. Enter playmode and let the timeline play through, and you get a unity animation clip with the simulation baked in.
But, I can't export to .fbx from Unity a clean file. I used a timeline, the fbx recorder, and the fbx exporter. Once in Maya, I have the hands and the head all broken, the mesh going away from its joints, keys everywhere even on the locked skinned mesh. It's a hell to understand... Did you have good results with this? During the process it's hard to know what's recommended or not to get a decent export file.