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Question about the basics of UV unwraps

Hello, I have been struggling for a long time to try to understand UV unwrap, and I still cant WRAP my head around how to do proper unwrapping.
I am currently trying to unwrap this basic wall I've made. (without the subdiv modifier)

As you can see there's a lot of stretching on the window thing, if I use the subdivision modifier, the stretch isnt there anymore (mostly).
So my questions are the following :
- Is it okay if it's stretched but not anymore when the subdivision modifier is applied?
- When unwrapping should I try to unwrap each mesh as a single island, or is it okay having multiple islands for a single mesh?
- In blender what is the best way to get rid of stretching?

PS: I also tried to unwrap it using "follow active quads", and it didn't work at all

 Thank you for reading, have a nice day :) .


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