Hello! This is a small project i been working on for my portfolio, I have 3d skills so once i have a character idea I can 3d Model it in Maya or sculpt in on Zbrush. I want to get into the design aspect and this is my Procedure for character design, I would like some Tips/guidance on what fundamental i should focus on most..
- gesture
-color theory
- facial anatomy
project took about 10-12 hours within 2 days.
any other Critiques are Also Welcomed!
Character : Gladiator
Personality : Fierce/Blood thirsty
weapon : Sword/Knifes
Clothing : Armor (Mild Amount)
Gesture Drawing: I used a variety of Images for poses. The First two poses from the left are my Own from imagination(they are not accurate in proportions) I used reference to draw the other images to have correct proportions from reference(not tracing).

Silhouettes: I filled in the Gestures with black for the silhouettes, From there I used a brush to fill in ideas for armor and Weapons, Thinking of different armor ideas.

Idea Refining: Thinking more in depth of the shapes which make the character.

Value of Light: choosing the best colour value for character.

Light: Imaging where the light would hit off on the character.

Coloring/Painting : Quick final Paint of character with colours.