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Zbrush perspective, camera , real world scale issue ??

polycounter lvl 7
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Prabh polycounter lvl 7
Hello everyone,
i need help regarding the character i am making.
I was doing head sculpt all was good
then i append my head into other subtools now it look weird and even in maya it looks weird.
I dont know whats the proper way to deal with this problem or is it real world scale issue for my character
Please Let me know ???


  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Welcome to the one issue that has been plaguing this industry for ten years :)

    You're not doing anything wrong - it merely is the way Zbrush works (or rather, doesn't). The only representation you can trust in Zbrush is the ortho camera. For anything else you'll have to check the results in a regular 3d environment - which of course is very ironic since you'll be constantly fixing stuff up and working blind/in reverse.

    A few users will tell you that "it's just fine" - but of course it isn't, that's just because they don't see the problem.

    However you might want to indicate which version of Zbrush you are using, as some progress has been made recently on that front if I am not mistaken.

    Also, I suppose that this issue affects figurine sculptors less, since their final product is tiny hence pretty much always seen as near ortho in real life. But for games characters you'll have to trust the Maya viewport for sure, set to a distortion similar to that of your game context.

    Lastly, make sure to avoid "shift-snapping" to front view at all costs when working in Zbrush. This is probably the worst habit a sculptor can have, because it makes you assume that the face you are working on is perfectly straight up/vertical, which is very rarely the case. Hence the many Zbrush sculpts feeling odd (the usual "Oh weird, it looks like two different characters from the front and the side respectively").

    Good luck.
  • Prabh
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    Prabh polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for your clarification and suggestion.
    I am using zbrush 2018.
    It seems bit confusing when i found the issue.
    But now i feel its zbrush weird camera angle.I think Its better to check in maya perspective while working in zbrush. 

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