This took longer than i excepted but that was mostly because i was learning how blender boolean modifiers work with different shapes and bevels. What causes bad beveled edges and how to fix them mostly without actually going fully destructive.
There are some bad mesh intersections caused by booleans and bevels but those are mostly small things.
Rendering and modelling was done in Blender 2.8 Some plugins were used and i think i cant live without these anymore. Hardops, Boxcutter, Decalmachine and Meshmachine.
Some stuff like metal textures are from Quixel Megascans which are combined with blender procedurally generated displacement maps.
Thanks I will, although I'm looking forward getting the next few released out and then finally get back to doing some art again after almost 3 years of nothing but tool dev. I need to catch up with what all the cool kids are doing and I'm rusty as hell.
Thanks I will, although I'm looking forward getting the next few released out and then finally get back to doing some art again after almost 3 years of nothing but tool dev. I need to catch up with what all the cool kids are doing and I'm rusty as hell.
Understandable. After 2.8 is released and things are working i would probably do something else too.
looks good, that first person perspective has a crazy FOV tho? (or maybe the size of it is confusing me)
Also you have "battery" and "power" on display, which is usually the same thing
Thanks. I just checked that and fov was 40. Probably should have increased it to 60-90 i just didn’t notice it.
And yess they are maybe too similar. Could have gone with battery life and power or something else. But i like to think that user knows something about weapon before using it and then it would not be so big issue.
Also you have "battery" and "power" on display, which is usually the same thing
And yess they are maybe too similar. Could have gone with battery life and power or something else. But i like to think that user knows something about weapon before using it and then it would not be so big issue.