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Need Critique Plz! - 3D student

polycounter lvl 4
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Ignas polycounter lvl 4
Hi this is my first post on Polycount.

I just finished my second year of university, studying Game Design, and I would like get some critique and feedback on what I think are my best works that I have produced in this year.

Being new to this as well as being naturally biased towards my own work I find it hard to see my short comings sometimes and this is why I ask for your opinion :]

I would prefer straight forward answers instead of beating around the bush trying to not hurt my "feelings" or something.

My final university project - Tropical Temple:

Fly through video of the scene:

My earlier project from this year:

My Artstation:

These were done quite a while ago and since then I have moved on to create other things therefore I'm not looking to continue working on them - though I still am very interested in what are your opinions are.

Thanks for your time!


  • Ashervisalis
    Offline / Send Message
    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    Hey, good looking stuff :)

    In the temple scene, you rely too heavily on edge masking for your texturing. The floor, ceiling, and walls all look like they are made the same way and it's a bit odd. The floor has such deep grooves you'd just trip all the time. Your video should be available in higher resolution. For a portfolio piece, it's also too long for the amount of work it shows off.

    Perkunas looks cool. You should have a beauty render and not just Sketchfab. I feel your tri limit was pretty high. Still, really cool. If you want to show off your maps, combine them into 1, and also add a UV snapshot on top of them, to show your UV packing skills. Check out what I previously did (lowered the resolution for this post);

  • Ignas
    Offline / Send Message
    Ignas polycounter lvl 4
    Hey, good looking stuff :)

    In the temple scene, you rely too heavily on edge masking for your texturing. The floor, ceiling, and walls all look like they are made the same way and it's a bit odd. The floor has such deep grooves you'd just trip all the time. Your video should be available in higher resolution. For a portfolio piece, it's also too long for the amount of work it shows off.

    Perkunas looks cool. You should have a beauty render and not just Sketchfab. I feel your tri limit was pretty high. Still, really cool. If you want to show off your maps, combine them into 1, and also add a UV snapshot on top of them, to show your UV packing skills. Check out what I previously did (lowered the resolution for this post);

    Thanks for your reply. Totally agree with the edge masking bit and the use of the same material for everything. What I didn't realize was when you pointed out that the grooves in the flooring are too deep to make sense to walk on them - which now that I look back on it, yeah they look quite puffy - in the future I will stick to creating flatter materials for tiled / brick flooring.

    You pointed out that I don't have beauty shots for my Perkunas piece which was an obvious oversight from me so I will change that soon. And as for the presentation of the maps I will change that too.

    Thanks for your time in responding to this :)

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