Hey, have just started putting hair on my character and I wanted some advice on the best practice to achieve this hairstyle - long and wavy on top and shaved on the sides (pic 1). I'm going for a bit of stylised realism similar to this awesome piece by Hernan Zuniga (pic 2)
I've currently tried Fibremesh with the view of exporting the curves into maya/ converting to guides but I'm finding FBM a bit difficult to control/frustrating haha. Alternatively, I thought about using tubes in zbrush for better control and then taking into maya/deleting caps and converting to splines then guides etc, though not sure if the results would be too stylised
Or can you create a tube hair sculpt in zbrush then dynamesh the tubes together and use that as a base to then make guides from?? Haha so many questions
I'm on Maya '18 with xgen but wanted to give yeti a go (maybe) as i like the node based system. Would interactive grooming be better for this style of hair or would something thats already there in zbrush (Fibremesh/tubes/sculpt) that I can extract guides from offer more control? Just wondering what would be best as I'm a bit overwhelmed by how many ways there are to do it!
Many thanks