In my Sketchbook I'm going to be creating game-ready characters and character concept sculpts, I will be using this thread as a way of documenting my work.
A few of my details:
This first piece is going to be Fan Art for Warhammer and I aim to produce as if it could go into a mobile game.
To start I'm going to create a single unit, a Namarti Thrall.
I aim to work to a time frame of 11 days for the entire workflow.
- Plan
- Sculpt
- Retop
- UV
- Bake
- Texturing
- LOD 2 mesh version
- Fixing issues/Polish
Step 1: PLAN
Concept: Namarti Thrall - Warhammer Age of Sigmar (BATTLETOME: IDONETH DEEPKIN)

Concept Breakdown:
Here I'm looking into the typical weapon designs that this race usually uses and it seems there is no shortage of curves in their blades and another thing to note is that they fight with a variety of weapons including "two-handed swords, great scythe-axes or pole-axes" as it is described here on the Games Workshop webpage.
To make sure that I stay true to the style of Warhammer I am quickly building an understanding of what makes up the pieces of armour for the Namarti Thralls
I noticed that all the Namarti wear garbs with various patterns across them but all contain a sigil which also resides on their forehead.
Namarti are born with withering souls that only with a stolen soul implanted will ever live past infancy. Namarti = Blessed and Damned.
They spend most of their youth learning to function without eyes, not much information is written on their missing eyes however it is considered by some to be the fact that the eyes are the window to the soul and because the Namarti are broken and without their own, they therefore do not have any eyes. More can be learnt from this brilliant video on the Namarti by Doug Griggs.
With the plan finished and me having a better understanding of the Namarti I will now move onto the sculpt phase, for this I have built a base mesh inside of 3ds Max by following Aneta V's Tutorial.
I have now moved it into Zbrush and will start sculpting the anatomy, and then refine further the anatomy of the head and torso, as these will be visible in the final bake.
I've also dropped the red wax before the police arrive ;P
Process at this stage:
My Zbrush crashed whilst trying to export the sculpt process video I was making to show how I approached the torso, I still managed to recover some but not all.
Process at this stage:
Process at this stage:
I'm going to decimate and move into Maya initially to start building the accessories.
Here I have moved the mesh into Maya ready to start building.
starting in Maya I made a low poly for the Leather boots, leather straps, shin guards, belt and collar.
I have now moved into max to further the bases and made them resemble the actual counterparts.
still in the early rough stages
I need to further the belt and collar and then make a start on the leather boots, straps, and shin guards.
I'm still questioning my decision to exaggerate the size of the collar and I think that usually in games with smaller units you would usually see iconic features exaggerated. Ive tried to stay true to the tabletop models.
With the Namarti Thrawl, in particular, their collar is binding the stolen soul inside them and is what is keeping them alive. It is an identifiable sign as the lowest cast within the whole of the Deepkin.
I've made progression on the shin pads and will now work on making a base for the leather boots and straps
I will make a base for the sword.
Comparing scale with the character mesh and its looking okay so far
Here I'm going to add trousers, cloth garb base.
Then I will begin detailing all the pieces further. This will be;
There are still two things I want to work on before;
After I will work on;
- Collar
- Belt
- Waist Guards
- Shin Guards
And then work on the organic softer materials;Had some issues with my zbrush and also with polyloops/ polygroups. However overcoming it has allowed me to learn new techniques.
Ive made a "clean" hard surface border to the shin guards.
Started a rough sculpt on the shin guards. (I've also made them more chunky).
I have started to get back on the sculpt by;