Make a texture with an edge for uv tiles borders and check in "Repeat" and "Normalized". The later allows to select packed islands in first uv tile and then hit GX1 to shift them into 1002 or GY2 to shift two tiles up etc.
ps. oh, it's about 2.8 . Sorry. No need for normalized , it seems always that way there. "Repeat" is in same "display" drop down panel on the top right of uv panel
@gnoop Thx, I totally forgot about the G-X-number shortcut (not used to doing that). Do you happen to know if there is a way to snap to next uv space with mouse? (snapping option in UV editor is limited.)
use Shift+Tab combination to turn the snapping on and off. Seems the snapping is working in relation to an island last position. So if you you first place an island to proper position within any uv quadrant and then switch SHift+Tab on you would get a perfect snapping in relation to initial uv position in every next UV space. But I personally find GX N more reliable
ps, snapping should be set to "increment" and you still have to put an island to more or less same position in a next uv space