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[WIP] [Environment] Ancient Gates

polycounter lvl 8
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chyslns polycounter lvl 8
Hello! Started this project a few weeks ago during my spare time and as I'm starting to go into unknown territory for me art wise, I feel like I need to show and log my progress in here in an effort to get some fresh eyes to look at it and luckily, pointers and feedback as well.

This scene is inspired by different drawings, photos and games that I found aesthetically pleasing and had a similar motif: a path, hallway or corridor and a gate at the end of it. I decided to go with the theme of the remains of a corporation set in the future that used to take certain policies too far (think of the UAC in DOOM 2016) to the point that a facility is perceived as a temple by its employees with a warped sense of loyalty and sacrifice. This environment is that facility/temple.

It started kinda small but as I kept looking for reference and looking at layouts from different ancient civilization architecture styles, it became evident that the scene had to be bigger. So I added more "rooms" to bring some rhythm to the whole thing, to give the main area the purpose of a public space where people would gather and to convey on the player the sense of being small inside huge temples, churches and other buildings with similar purposes.

I started blocking out the scene and kept refining it until I ended up with what it felt like a good layout that has the elements I mentioned earlier.

So once I was happy with this layout, I started doing some concepts by grabbing a screenshot, doing photobashing on them and then painting on top of that. My main goal at this stage is to make clear what kind of natural environment this building is located at. I'm going for an overcast look in a mossy rocky valley surrounded by foggy mountains. I'm heavily referencing Iceland for this look. This temple is located at the top of a very tall hill and the rest of the facility is at the bottom, but I'm not doing that part of it. I want to keep the focus on the temple structure and more specifically, the main area for people to gather, the shrine/generator at the center of this area that powers the entire thing and the gates that the people in here hope to go through one day.

For the architecture, there's some elements from different ancient cultures and most of the surfaces and some of the shapes are not final, as it is supposed to be in ruins. I was hesitant to fuse these ancient architecture elements with something modern from the last century but every time I look at it, it feels like there's not a lot of styles that this can be done in. Perhaps I need to do more research, but at this moment I feel that socialist brutalism is the safest way to go.

Long post, so if you made it this far, thank you! I'm working on this on a regular schedule, so I'll try and post updates often. I appreciate any critique, comment or feedback that you might have on any of the stages of the progress presented here. Thanks!



  • chyslns
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    chyslns polycounter lvl 8
    Finally here's an update for this project!

    To keep it short, I've been working on the general layout, expanding the whole thing and bringing in more elements that can be opportunities to show some backstory for this world. I've been also working on the terrain a lot, and after a few tries I think I got it to a good spot in terms of shapes and layout that look like the biome I'm going for.

    Here's a paintover I made today for the terrain:

    And here's the progress on the overall temple:

    As always, comments and feedback are welcome! :)

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