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I don't know what to do with my life! And I need some help!

Hello guys. I've been looking for answers from anyone I could on the internet, on real life, from family and friends too. 

Basically for the last days I've been really stressed out because a lot of thoughts have gone into my head. As I am fastly approaching my last year in high school, I need to decide on what I want to do later. Of course it's gonna be art related, that is 110%. 

My biggest problem is that I actually love to do 3d, 2d, and many other things. I've considered architecture, doing tattoos, going on my first route which was concept art (because let's be honest, every kid when gets into digital art wants to be a concept artist) or going on with a 3d based approach. Then comes the other stuff, If I focus on 3d, what should I do, film or games, if I focus on 2d, what should I focus on, design or illustration type of stuff (besides fundamentals). If I go with the tattoo route, will I be happy? And many many things like that. The problem is that I actually kinda love them all and would want to do them all, but I don't think that is possible with 24 hours in a day, and also the mindset that says that you gotta do one thing and do it right in my head. 

I have very mixed feelings about leaving my country, and I am just horrible at getting commisions, because most probably my level in everything is just not there. And for games, there are like 2 companies in my country that need this kind of stuff. If I go for film, I either have to go freelance or leave.

And then there's the other variables. Everything has a variable and branches, and branches more, and I've basically tried everything that came into my mind and couldn't decide once and for all what to focus myself on, because I honestly like them all, as I like art in general.

I created this account especially for this topic, and I just want to see some other opinions. Even some critique, or thing that can make sense out of my wrecked brain.

Also, this is my artstation, but it's mostly filled with my concept wanna be things. I haven't finished proper 3d assets yet, with textures and all, but I'm on my way there. https://www.artstation.com/jagernaut

Also if anyone wants to have a chat, this is my discord: Jager Naut#3106
Sorry for the long post :)


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Do you, at all, have a specific intention of medium or context you want your art to be appreciated in?

    Like for me, I like to make video games and play video games.  Most of my art is intended for a video game medium.

    What is yours, if you have one?
  • AndreiDinca
    Indeed Brian. I mostly like my art to be imagery. I have yet to test my 3d stuff. I haven't seen anything rigged or anything, and so far I've only used 3D as a thing to boost up my conceptual work. 

    Yet the thing that I don't like about concept art is the learning curve. You have to study mostly on your own the fundamentals, and you progress in increments. For me it's very stressfull and kind of boring to learn concept art. When it comes to doing it, I love it!

    3D is a bit easier to digest for me when it comes to learning. Also I noticed I am naturally more talented at sculpting and replicating than 2D. But the problem with 3d for me comes when it gets to technical stuff. The problem is not that it's boring to learn retopo, doing UVs and doing it properly, but I enjoy some tutorials more than others, and then there comes the problem of errors that take me days to solve, or the guy just has another version of the software. 

    When it comes to the other stuff which is not related to 3d, it all comes down to me just being afraid I will fail, being afraid of the instability, of the stigma of staying with your parents while all of my friends go to university. I enjoy much more doing a good old zbrush sculpt or using my programs to make a conceptual piece than I enjoy drawing buildings. For tattooing I don't know yet, I'm just considering it as an option too. 

    I was thinking of taking one of the two, tattooing or architecture, and doing my stuff in the same time. I know it's been done before by a lot of individuals actually. 

    But when it comes to my soul, I simply love those disney typed animations, the style, everything about it to be honest. Just everything.
    https://www.artstation.com/artwork/EnWyn This kind of thing, and all of the Overwatch cinematics. I am simply melted and I am in love with this stuff. I just don't know the circumstances, if I will be able to find work in my country, if freelance is a viable option for this small stylized nieche and so on. 
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    It just sounds like you want to be working on animated features.
  • AndreiDinca
    That's it, mainly. Jeez. Thank you man
  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    Hey, you don't need to decide what you're going to be doing for the rest of your life by the time you graduate. That's a silly idea placed on high school students. Don't get too stressed out over this. Your art is already looking cool. You might need to take schooling to be able to work outside your country, keep that in mind.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
    Offline / Send Message
    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Whatever you're specifically learning, try to orient it all towards this idea of it being applicable to an animation.  Concept art, 3D, they're all going to have specific needs and factors that would make it animation work friendly.  Just try to hit those specifics on top of whatever you're working on.

    Like 3D character topology for animations tend to need to be very bloody clean, vs. some game topology for characters.
  • jStins
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    jStins interpolator
    I gotta disagree with you there Brian given the context of the OP's age. I think that type of thinking is likely to create analysis paralysis. My suggestion would be to just focus on becoming a better artist right now without the added weight of asking 'how does this apply to field X' at every turn. Artistic skill is the foundation that needs to be there whether he/she ultimately pursues games, film, tattooing, etc... 

    @AndreiDinca My advice is to surround yourself with other creative / ambitious people, whether that's at a formal university or just some one off art classes. It sounds like traditional figure sculpture might be a good fit for you, but drawing, painting, photography ... it all helps build an intuitive sense of shape, form, proportion, composition, light, color, etc... Certainly dabble in CG stuff as you go along, but give yourself a year or two to breathe and arrive at a career goal organically. 
  • AndreiDinca
    Guys, thank you for the feedback. I decided that I would follow up 3d courses after I finish and work from home as hard as I can until I get to the level to either be employed at a game company or to work in animation. I'm taking it easily, and in a relaxez maneer.

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