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Outstandly - creative agency with a solid background in the art for games field

polycounter lvl 4
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outstandly polycounter lvl 4


It's me, Serge.

Will love to introduce you to our creative agency ''Outstandly''.

We help gamedev companies and indie devs with concept art, 2D assets, 3D models, animations and UX/UI design in the games industry.

You might have an awesome idea and mechanics, but if your world doesn't look cool in the first few seconds when a potential player/customer sees your game in the store - you're missing on a pretty decent amount of potential players, who wouldn't bother to even try the game, just because it doesn't look inspiring.

People still judge by the clothes you wear.

Especially when seeing something for the first time.

So this is where we aim to come in handy.

We love creating worlds and it seems players love our worlds.

You can check some of our stuff here:


If you have any questions, would like to request a quote particularly for your project (free of course) or want just to talk about the weather - feel free to get in touch with us on our website.

Someone from the team should be in touch with you within 24 hours.


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