Do somebody ever managed to get rid of Substance Designer for modern tillable textures? I sometimes wonder whether it's possible to recreate slope blur, vector warp, distance, edge detection and a very few SD main nodes in something like Blender Eevee for example . Or Max + plugins? A mix of 3d and 2d solutions with true 3d item scatterer + active shade/interactive preview. A good set of procedural patterns/maps + weathering effects not depending on UV space at all.
I have been using SD since MapZone and still amazed how monstrously inconvenient it is in its every detail. Like it was their special goal to make most intolerable, time eating and over-complicated node system ever possible. I was an ardent fan of everything node based before SD and now started to appreciate elegance and simplicity of layers and modifiers.
I'd imagine that plus the massive benefits you get from the asset management side of designer is enough to render it pointless for anyone interested in making money
Designer is a technical art tool - you have to put the groundwork in and be working at a certain scale to see all it's benefits and its certainly not something your average artist should be expected to operate in isolation. This is why we have Painter and now Alchemist, which both use familiar layer stacks, filters. Modifiers etc.
Designer is excellent at automation, you just need to read the docs and write some code (or command lines if you're not doing anything too complicated) - it's more effort than a photoshop action but it's also more powerful. You can propagate updates across an entire material library at the click of a button, rebake all your assets, generate materials automatically etc etc. It just requires you sit down and write some code.
It's not something I'll use much personally but I'm pretty confident I'm going to be generating a lot of tools for it over the next few years - just as I have been with Painter.
Painter prefers simple materials with layers of filters/masks - you don't want to create a mossy rock material with controls for varying moss placement, you want moss, rock and a mask generator.
Alchemist appears to behave the same way as painter so a more modular approach to material generation qould be sensible.