Can someone share a resource that goes over the function and setup of each Filter and Generator that comes with Substance Painter? There's no explanations within the allegorithmic documentation and searching around online doesn't bring up much.
I can't think of any single resource on those specifically, but there are numerous entry-level resources like this video from Wes: It should give you an idea on how to start with Filters. Just break down what you want to do into separate elements, since in most cases you'll be taking an input and/or outputting to the specific channels. The hardest part for me was figuring out the correct syntax for the Designer nodes to get the correct baked map or material input in Painter. There's a thread somewhere on the Allegorithmic forums with the proper names, I'll see if I can find it.
I appreciate the response @leleuxart but, as you noted, that isn't really what I'm after. Perhaps one day Allegorithmic will create some entries for each one. Until then I guess I'll just keep experimenting with the toolset provided.
Edit: Looks like the documentation has all this information now actually.