Hi guys, I would appreciate it if I could get any feedback/thoughts on this sword I've been working on. I've included the Sketchfab link below for viewing. Thanks in advance!
Well what was your reference for the sword ? On a tehnical point of view the retopo is not really well done . For the shape you got you could have used way less polygons . On this aeria especially http://prntscr.com/nsv482 . Also the wrapping on the sword is not really done right . Like the way you would do it in real life . In there you just have a cylinder and some lines that stick out . Keep working and good luck ! maybe on the next one think about how stuff is done in real life .
Hi! Really like this work I agree with robzxy94, but also can say that you could make roughness just a bit interesting(the blade part have some variations in roughness map, but hilt part is completely monotone, yeah) also this part this is really expensive part and you can not really see the silhouette of this, so i think it's better to be baked in normal map
Cool, I'm actually working on the handle right now to make it more efficient I didn't realize just how much it was upping my polycount... I'll make sure to work on the roughness as well and give an update once it's ready.
I used a couple of different images for references the mains I linked below:
https://www.picclickimg.com/d/l400/pict/132803903134_/used-Medieval-sword-45-x-3.jpg for cross guard
https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0925/7092/products/fm2079_d5298f78-e944-47b7-99cb-4410b900bceb.jpg?v=1551141864 for the handle
The blade I used a few other images to follow common themes of fantasy like designs
I agree with robzxy94, but also can say that you could make roughness just a bit interesting(the blade part have some variations in roughness map, but hilt part is completely monotone, yeah)
also this part
this is really expensive part and you can not really see the silhouette of this, so i think it's better to be baked in normal map
Thank you for the feedback it's very helpful