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[ZBrush] - Retopology Concerning Hair

Hello everyone,

I have a simple question. Should I retopo hair by hand or I can just ZRemesh it ? I have a fairly complicated hairstyle on the character I'm currently doing And I fear I'll have to retopo it by hand. Yes, the character is gonna be animated, but probably not the hair.

Also, if you think that the hair I did is too intense compared to the character's visual style, please tell me. It's my first time sculpting hair and I have to say, I'm a bit lost.

Here's the hair :

Thank you !


  • Alex_J
    Online / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Looks like you already got standard topology that comes with cone primitives, right? Just hit reconstruct subdivisions to get a little lower. Do a bake test to see how low you can get and still get a good bake from the highest subdivision levels.

    Really for hair like this you could probably just make a handful of cones with non-overlapping UV's, bake and texture them, then manually duplicate and place them around.

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