Here's the last character of my personal project called "Heroes". The character is Odysseus, one of the most intelligent heroes from the Greek mythology in my opinion. I've chosen to present him in the moment when Pallas-Athena transformed him into a beggar ( old, skinny, torn clothes, bald). I went for a pretty simple design, not too many accessories on him. I also tried to add some little details that can help illustrating the story behind the character: the necklace, the bow, ropes etc.
Check out my artstation: info about the project: The idea behind it was to take important heroes from the past (from ancient history and mythology) and reimagine them in such a way they could fit in a game from nowdays. Also, when I was concepting I was interested to achieve a realistic design, so they are grounded in reality. I had a lot of fun making this character, and I already started a new one I was heavily inspired by AC Odyssey and God of War, especially the sculpts of Raf Grassetti and Glauco Longhi

Thanks man ! I will color his face, I already started texturing it