In 3dsmax, u can right click any node that corresponds to a texture or group of textures e.g composite map or color correction node and render map in the material editor, is this possible in Blender 2.8 or 2.79 in the shader editor in any way? or only the bake option using cycles?
I also figured I would be using Blender texturing features for my texturing rather than photoshop after seeing this:
the way to render out the maps from the material output would be to use bake. I intend to try it out.
I have seen that video. But I think the other one is better from a workflow perspective
Will definitely give that a go. For some reason, Cycles bake takes too long though.I reduced the render samples to like :
render to like 4 instead of 32 for the bake.
Is that going to affect quality and it was really fast. Why can't be bake with eevee? Are there plans to add a bake feature to eevee?
GTX780m. I know, the card is old. Getting a desktop soon with updated hardware. Had issues with the gpu some time back. I use the CPU sometimes tbh.
Does octane render with the GPU or CPU?
EDIT: Its gpu.