Hi, I'am relatively new to zbrush and just trying to feel my way around, trying to follow a speed sculpt but hitting problems straight away, how do i get from the first picture to the second picture?? I can slice the tube up and get the shape but when i delete either side of the purple bit which i need I'am left with an inner and outer tube without border edges, its probably something very simple but I'am a bit overawed with all the tools in zbrush. cheers


To assist with your immediate issue they are most likely slicing the mesh using the slice tool with dynamesh turned on. Again that was probably turned on at some point either very quickly or via a hotkey and because the point of the speed sculpt is not to teach that, you haven't learned that. This isn't anything against you I just think watching speedsculpts to learn zbrush is a wretched way of learning. Good for inspiration though sometimes.
Check out the below video if when using the slice tool with dynamesh on you get the stretching due to polygroup assignment.
For starting to learn Zbrush go through some of the videos on FlippedNormals as well as those offered by Pixologic, either on their site or on youtube and I would also check out Danny Mac on youtube for some character stuff and musashidan for more mechanical and hardsurface in Zbrush.