Hi. My name is Jakub Vaja. I'm a freelance 3D artist mostly doing hard surface modeling, but for a long time, I'm fascinated by environments in video games. So I've decided to improve my skills and learn new stuff. The reason why I'm creating this
thread is to receive feedback from a much more experienced artist then I am. So please share your thoughts, critique, and advice.
My goal is to create an environment in the Unreal engine using this image as a reference, but not to recreate it 1 to 1.
Create and use mainly tileable and trim sheet textures
Learn Lighting and overall workflow of assembling a scene in Unreal engine
Learn Speed tree
Learn Substance Designer
I was looking for some reference and come across this image

I really like the mood and I think it is a perfect environment to start with
1. Step was to break it down to some modular pieces - in the first image I have just quick blockout geometry snapped on grid. Walls are 4.5 by 5 meters (In Blender 2.8 project set to meters and grid size 0.1 allows me to snap in 3D view the same way as in Unreal)
- next image is the first iteration of the final assets

2. Assembling in Unreal Engine

For lighting as it is right now I'm using SkyLight, DirectionalLight and AtmosphericFog
I've watched many videos from 51Daedalus and some from Epic youtube channel to understand how the lighting in Unreal works. but I still need to put some work in to it.
That is all for now. I want to polish all blockout geometry and start creating some tileable textures.
And one unique prop but I think it is too busy so I will wait with props after I make some tileable textures and improve lighting in the scene
Also I need to create a damaged plaster material to use it in Unreal for vertex paint
Same as with the asset I have made I think I have a problem with making materials too busy.. So let me know what do you think
(fully static lighting)
So first I create directional light with some bounces.
Then I add atmospheric fog and skylight.
My understanding is that atmospheric fog creates a "Skydome" and skylight capture whole scene and uses it as a fill light. SkyLight on itself does nothing
But I want to use a custom sky.
So I create a dome in Blender and flip normals. Import in UE and add a material with HDRI texture. But it kills all lights in the scene. So only way to add HDRI is to change skylight from SLS captured scene to SLS specified Cube map. But it creates only the fill light and not the sky itself.
I am doing something wrong but I just can't figure out what I am missing. Can someone point me in the right direction? I would appreciate it.
Edit: Also in this article, https://80.lv/articles/001agt-004adk-17th-century-roman-modular-environment-in-ue4/ is mentioned the use of inverted sphere surrounding the level.
And I should probably mention that I use the Luoshuang's GPULightmass. Could that cause the problem?
And I have found this article https://3dtotal.com/tutorials/t/unreal-engine-part-5-introducing-the-skybox-rob-redman-game-first-person-level-map-environment but resold is still absolute darkness
edit: After following this article https://evermotion.org/tutorials/show/10738/creating-custom-sky-from-hdr-image-in-unreal-engine It is finally working, but skylight again doesn't see the HDI and does nothing, so I need to add atmospheric fog to get some fill light but it ignores the HDRI
I have created 2 variants "new" and damaged.
In UE I did a quick test with vertex paint
Now I am trying to figure out if it is possible to get to this level of details with just vertex painting and no tessellation. If not my plan is to use decals. So I would have a base grey plaster material and on top, I would add decals with damaged plaster which would be tileable horizontally.
I have gathered some good textures on my vacation in Greece and I think they are working great in this scene.
I will show all the textures I've created later.
Here is a list of assets i haven't made by my self
HDRI - hdrihaven.com
Grass - quixel.com/megascans
some decals on the ground are from - cgtextures.com
And particle effects are from UE4 example scene
So this is my scene. It is almost dome. And I would love to hear some critique on what to improve
Maybe add some more color variation to the tiles that are exposed to the weather.
The hero tree is a good point, or maybe ad tree growing from the fountain?..
Also, I have added scaffolding in the last update which I hope helps to introduce some storytelling in to the scene
here is the Artstation link
Special thanks to :stororokw
I have added water and some leaves to the fountain and I think it really helped
I have added third material to the ground to add some more variation
And I have also improved the tree models. It is still far from being perfect but I would say it is much better than before (but the problem with leaves being too transparent still remains, see in the last picture) I'm still not sure why.. it is made exactly the same way and using same leave planes as the tree beside it.
Keep it up!
I think some of your foliage could stand to be a bit brighter and more saturated. The wear could have a bit more depth to the chipping and whatnot as well.
As I said before, I had a problem with foliage being too dark and too light at the same time. What I have read that the darkness is affected mainly by the complexity of individual leaf card. So I have made them simplex and it was better but looked too low poly..
But you are right. now when I look at it.. a bit lighter and more saturated would like nicer.
And about the chipping.. I have tried to have a stronger normal map, but it looked too "patchy" and didn't blend that well and also in the reference pictures I have taken the blending of the plaster and the yellow paint is really flat
And the lighting is nothing special. But I suggest you to read this article
I am using fully baked lighting and only light source are sky and directional light with custom sky sphere.