I'm new here so I'm not sure if I should make a new topic or look deeper for some general one about what I'm going to write. I've started getting into 3d art quite a few years ago (around 3d studio max 5),after few years of totally forgetting about the topic,j just in last couple of years I 've started to thinking about turning it into career. I appreciate if you guys would write some critique about my last two works. I know there is a lot to learn ahead.
Here are the links:
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/oOyVyLhttps://www.artstation.com/artwork/GXgJa4Fell free to check out my other works aswell

If youre trying to get a job in 3d I'd suggest removing everything except the car and the balsam from your artstation as they're very amateurish. Everyone needs to learn but it doesnt help you land a job to show your weaker pieces.
The car is nice, the lighting and rendering especially, the base mesh could use improvement but its a solid start.
If you designed and rendered the commercial products, balsam, pamphlet etc, then thats definitely your strongest scene, it looks great.
If you pick a role you want to pursue and keep going I think you wont have much trouble