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Looking for a Photoshop thingy to help move pixel art around a tilesheet

Since every basic photoshop blog made sure that searching for anything photoshop related as painful as possible, I need some help here! Doing a little game modding on the side, they've got images lined up in a grid based on floor tiles. So I'm making stuff, but need to duplicate and move it 128px to the right or whatever to make the next variation.

What I'm ideally looking for is some kind of floating panel with Up / Down / Left / Right arrow buttons, and a radio button to select the distance to move: 32/54/128/etc. (even better if there were multiple of these controls so there's less fiddling with the distance)

Sure, I can ctrl-drag things around, but even without snapping on, PS still likes to find similar pixels to snap to, and gets this wrong all the time. Or those really fun times where a tick to the left or right is everything but the digit you want to land on. Got me hoping there's something to make this part of the process quicker.


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