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Character Sculpt Sketches

polycounter lvl 4
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CanberkYucekok polycounter lvl 4
Hi everyone i have started character design about 4-5 months ago, before that i had 3-4 years of personal experience with maya and general information about everything but not quite specialized in one thing, i have been studying character design, and wanted to share with you guys here, and may be create a some kind of a field of motivation for myself since it is sometimes really difficult to feel motivated as a self taught artist with literally noone around who is interested in the kind of things, i will try to update here as much as i can; and i also want to share my personal experience trying to improve, hoping may be some other new starter like me can find a use for that (by the way if you feel you are any worse than this-i dont think it is quite possible though- feel free to ask anything can contact about anything); So here is chronologically my progression in last 5 months:

Surely to be updated :)

Have a nice day everyone.


  • CanberkYucekok
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    CanberkYucekok polycounter lvl 4
    Very quick update my work of today, easily my best work

  • CanberkYucekok
  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Nice work! For this sort of thing it might be good to update your first post with the most recent piece so it shows in the thumb. Also the first pics are probably 2x as big as they need to be. Are they in perspective, it helps if they are. Do you start lower res and then increase, that helps you combat the wavyness. Studys are important to see in a fly around, because its 3d every angle is important, flyarounds would be useful. Did you use reference for the torso? DAZ is an excellent program to have as reference  on a second monitor while you work.
  • CanberkYucekok
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    CanberkYucekok polycounter lvl 4
    thanks for the feedback means a lot to me, funny thing is i m pretty sure the first ones were also in perspective but i had vey poor understanding of the shape of the head, its is till actually odd for me, my heads always look very poor on the side view, I use photo reference, for the torso i guess i look a few photos but at that time i didnt understand the importance of using reference, my reference for the last piece was a football player:

  • CanberkYucekok
  • sarasumm
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    sarasumm polycounter lvl 5
    You're making nice progress! I'd recommend working more at defining the overall planes of the face with harder planes before adding in the more fleshy details.

    Look around for some reference images like this (sorry mine is tiny). It helps a lot to understand these shapes in order to exaggerate and add more appeal to your sculpts.

    This speed sculpt video is fantastic at showing how to build up a character head from scratch by focusing on the planes of the face.

  • CanberkYucekok
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    CanberkYucekok polycounter lvl 4
    @sarasumm Hi, thanks verryyy much for your reply, You are definitely right about starting with planes. i will have some more asaro head references, If i should do some criticism; when i compare myself with other artist whose work i see on youtube and other platforms, it takes way much for me to create good base with right proportions and all the basic features  in the right place, I am always like tweaking here and tweaking here and there, that does not seam right, may be this, may be that, and it takes a alot of time just to create basic generic head. May be i should do 1 hour speed sculpts in order to push my eye to recognize things more quickly and quit wasting time. 
  • CanberkYucekok
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    CanberkYucekok polycounter lvl 4

    Today's practice, thanks everyone who has sent feedback so far, it gives great motivation to me
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