Hey guys! I recently started working on a new environment, and I'm trying to really push this one as far as I can, and learn as much as possible along the way. As such, I'm going to be updating the progress and development here, from beginning to end. As usual, I'm always open to critiques and would love to hear what you think!
I'm not following along with any one specific concept. Instead, I've gathered a couple of concepts which all contain elements that I'd like to incorporate while building this world from the ground up.

I've separated these concepts into two categories. Primary concepts are the ones that I like more generally in terms of environment design, atmosphere, and framing. The Secondary concepts contain specific elements that I want to incorporate, such as the shape language of the ruined brick walls or overgrowth.

In terms of color, none of the Primary references contained quite what I was looking for. At present, I'm aiming to fill the scene mostly with smoky grays and blues, likely paired with more saturated blues and turquoise present in the lighting, and then contrast that with browns and scarlets to drive the focus of the scene. However, this is still subject to change as I work through the blockout and get a feel for what works and what doesn't.

Once I start investing time into a scene, I have a habit of becoming blind to otherwise obvious shortcomings. To try to resolve this, I took a page out of Tim Simpson's book, and compiled a (rather large) collection of quality target references.
Seriously though, I'd appreciate any tips you have to avoid this pitfall!
And finally, a couple of early shots of the WIP blockout. Trying to get a feel for the scale, composition, and lighting, as well as figure out what sorts of assets will be needed, and establish some story.

Thanks for taking a look, and I sincerely appreciate any feedback or criticism you have. More progress shots soon!