I recently dicoverd that you can use Trim Shet to build big Modular Pieces and save a lot of Texture Space.
Now after some Research I´ve come to understand how to use these sheets but not exatly how to make them.
I have already finshed all the parts I need to create my Trimm sheet (Patterms Materials etc.), but I am confused about how to put it all together.
How do I get to have sepreate tilable Matrials and Pattern into one sheet and also gets some "bevels " for the Edges.
I cant seem to find any helpful Recources, even when I looked trought the Modular Enviroment Thread.
For Reffrence, what I basicly want to achive is to be able to create something like this. So that I can use one Sheet for the Pillar and the Base.

I´ll be glad for any advice.
I've built a couple of systems to handle it more automatically /faster but basically it amounts to masking stuff together.
It's usually a good idea to work on a grid when you make trim sheets - saves a lot of mess later.
So I can put the Matrials togther using Blend and Mask Nodes? OK. But how do I also add the strips in Designer so that I would be as if I had baked some beveld edges to a plane ? And how to I get them to the Edges of the Matrials, so that I have a bevels for each Material I am using
I know the answer to this might be simple, but sometimes I have more trouble to figre out easier stuff then more complex tasks.
Also big thanks for all the advice so far.