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Any advice on while the current scene is so slow after Unfolding UVs?

polycounter lvl 6
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gene098 polycounter lvl 6



Does anyone know why my current object after unfolding its UVs is so slow?


When I say slow, I mean slow as in, in the UV Editor when I try to move the separate UV shells around

It is ridiculously laggy,
Like, I cant even move them laggy.


Attached is the file I am talking about



  • TheGabmeister
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    TheGabmeister interpolator
    I checked the file.

    I'm assuming you're only talking about the head mesh. You might have accidentally pressed "3" which made the object go to smooth mesh preview. There's even a warning that says "may take a while to smooth or run out of memory." I turned it off, and then the lag disappeared.
  • gene098
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    gene098 polycounter lvl 6
    Im talking about the head meshes UV Editor window,
    when you go to UV Shell mode and try to move the UV shells because I want to organize them better, it lags like crazy

    For me, I tried the smooth mesh but I never had it on from the start
  • TheGabmeister
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    TheGabmeister interpolator
    gene098 said:
    Im talking about the head meshes UV Editor window,
    when you go to UV Shell mode and try to move the UV shells because I want to organize them better, it lags like crazy

    For me, I tried the smooth mesh but I never had it on from the start
    Yes, I turned off the smooth mesh preview, which was was clearly turned on when I opened the file you uploaded above. I even checked it again right now. After that, I moved the UV shells in the UV editor, and they are not lagging anymore.

    If it's still lagging for you, then maybe it's a hardware issue or a faulty installation of Maya.
  • gene098
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    gene098 polycounter lvl 6
    I just checked again and here is what I see
    When I go to press 3 this message pops up

    I even tried enabling it to see if it changes speed
    then disabling it after enabling it to see if it changes speed

    But from the start the lag was so bad that I cant say it even makes a difference

    For reference may I know your PC specs?
    Im currently running
    CPU) Ryzen 7 1700X EightCore Processor 3.4 GHz
    GPU) GTX 1060
    RAM) 32GB
    W10 64-bit
    Maya 2018 Student Ver
  • TheGabmeister
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    TheGabmeister interpolator
    Hmmm.... At this point I'm not quite sure. We're opening the same file, and your specs are adequate. Maybe there's a plugin you're using that's causing the issue, or maybe there's another application besides Maya that's causing the lag.
  • gene098
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    gene098 polycounter lvl 6
    Hmmm.... At this point I'm not quite sure. We're opening the same file, and your specs are adequate. Maybe there's a plugin you're using that's causing the issue, or maybe there's another application besides Maya that's causing the lag.
    After a clean install Maya, are there any other plugins that would be active?
    So far in terms of plugins Ive only got a vanilla installation

  • gene098
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    gene098 polycounter lvl 6
    UPDATE) Just did a clean uninstall and reinstall of Maya 2019 Student ver, but very little improvement if any
  • gene098
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    gene098 polycounter lvl 6
    Thank you guys so much for the help,

    Im here to toss my pride and let others know if they run into a similar situation and to thank Gabriel that
    the Smooth mesh was the problem, the only thing was that I didnt know that pressing 3 didnt toggle it on and off

    But i needed to press 1

    Once again, thank you everyone!
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