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Tiling texture question

polycounter lvl 3
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dinmeolas polycounter lvl 3
I know this is painfully newbish but havent touched 3d in a couple years and needing to relearn. I will be creating textures in substance, alchemist and quixel mixer. And using in maya and Unreal. 

When I create a texture that is plain and clean, say a brick wall, I can tile it and it looks fine. yet very unreal and boring. So I would like to weather it and dirty it up so it breaks up the unnatural look and lends it some realistic character. 
But, that texture will need to tile to fill the space and any imperfections will also tile and create a pattern. So my question is, what do I need to do to use my textures in tiling where I dont get this repetition? How do you guys apply a nice realistic texture to say a wall and it doesnt look fake?
I hope I phrased that properly, thanks in advance.


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