I have a Titan X, the latest windows update (1809), the latest drivers (430.39), and added -dx12 to the end of the 4.22 shortcut path after the quotation marks in the windows properties menu. I also set the SkinCache and raytracing variables to 1 in the Console Variables "ini" file. Still no dice. I also tried the Justice tech demo and the raytracing option is greyed out. Whenever Ray Tracing is activated in Unreal, an error comes up saying that the CVar r.Raytracing is not found or is set to read only. Any help would be appreciated!
Now you don't need to add -dx12 to the shortcut. Instead, go to the project settings, search for "default rhi" and set it to dx12. Restart the engine and it should work.
Although, I don't think that this videocard supports rtx even after nvidia enabling a fallback feature for it on some older cards. I believe they only enabled it on gtx 1060 6gb, gtx 1070, gtx 1070ti, 1080, and 1080ti and the titan of the 10th series, while your one belongs to the 9th series.
Gotcha! Thank you so much @Obscura . I just checked the list of supported video cards on geforce experience and it said that the Titan X is also supported. I am very confused. Any thoughts?
I'm looking at different titan cards now and it looks like there are 2 versions of the titan x. There is one with the pascal architecture and the another one isn't with that. From the articles it looks like rtx is only supported on the pascal one. Which one is yours?