Hello everyone. I want to learn the process of creation different environment assets for realtime PBR with the help of photogrammetry.
For now i have some basic understanding of the whole process. So the this topic is some kind of journal. and I hope some advices. Thx.
For now the pipe line is some kind of:
1. Make some photos.
2. Create hipoly mesh with the help of photogrammetry software tools
3. Create low poly mesh (aproximately 2k triangles)
4. Bake normal, color maps to low poly mesh
5. Some magic with maps with the help of substance
Yesterday night i made some test.
1. Created several photos (approximately 40) of vase (LG Nexus 5x phone standart camera)

Add markers:

to be continued... have to go.
Generate dense cloud, and delete unwanted vertices:
After that generate Model and Texture:
I have got a nice looking vase, with some strange neck due to very bad light and upside down position. But i'm very glad with the result.
sketchfab link https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/vase-boom-112124bf1d91460d8221948ec86d6de2
Generate low quality mesh and made masks for photos from that mesh.
Due to bad quality of JPG photos, and lack of experience, has to generate medium quality mesh. Not enough data in photos for dense cloud so with ultra high quality there are a lot of holes. So i experimented with different building quality and stopped with the following result.
Here are 2 great resources to get better results: