I have quite a large project, and i need a simple fix, manually cutting and backspacing all of the intersecting edges would e far too tedious at the moment, and i'm on a schedule (my tam depends on me.)
Could anyone tell me how to get a non-editable poly Boolean, that is picked to "cookie-cut" windows and doord on an editable poly that has already been boolean, for room creation?
i have screens:
Beginning of project, 1t floor layout for Mansion:
Current Issue:
Thank You for any help you can provide.
Instead of booleans, I would create each room as a separate Shape. Extrude them, using the ceiling height as extrude distance. Cap floors and ceilings to make a closed surface. Convert to Editable Poly, use Inset to create the door or window outlines. Edit the inset shapes to match your door shapes, then delete them so you have holes. Use the Shell modifier to create wall thickness. Add door and window frames as separate models, these can be reused.