As you can see, I'm having trouble with light maps (it also helps that Unreal keeps telling me that I have LMaps overlapping)
I have tried Auto-Generating and I can't get any of the settings to change
I tried creating a 2nd set of UVs using 3DsMax and not it's got 6 UV channels and I'm not sure how, and I'm not sure how to delete the others and or get Unreal to only pick one of the UV channels.
Really stuck with this, the only way I can see fixing this is to start from scratch (which would really set me back)
Any help would be greatly appreciated
I tried what you suggested and I was still having problems. After a bit more tinkering It seemed the problem was in 3DsMax not correctly remembering the 2nd channel I created (I moved the object into Maya to use the tools there and got a better result).
And my 2nd issue seemed to be when I was exporting as a .obj file
Again, was the formet was having issues remebering the 2nd set of UVs.
I ended up exporting my object as an .fbx from Maya and (so far) that seems to have done the tick.