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3d Sketch book - Critique

polycounter lvl 5
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robzxy94 polycounter lvl 5
Hello  ! My name is Robert and I will post my wips here for you to critique it . 

Lately I've been working on some boots in marvelous designer and zbrush and I am kinda stuck  .

These are some of my tries I've done so far . About over 12 iterations so far . 

What I want to do with these boots is to get a pirate like boots.


  • JohannesAg
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    JohannesAg greentooth
    Looks fine to me, what exactly are you stuck on?
  • robzxy94
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    robzxy94 polycounter lvl 5
  • RowanGryder
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    Not sure what kind of reference you're working from almost every leather shoe I've ever encountered has been built by tightly stretching the material over a last (wooden or plastic form). It's not unlike stretching a canvas:

    Because of this the leather shouldn't wan't to fold on itself until it's above the ankle.

    Since you are working in MD I would also advise looking over some patterns for shoes. You'll see that the vast majority of shoes have the seam along the back as opposed to the sides.

    The toe shape on the gray render looks good, just need to sort the excess material that's making these look like floppy wellies.
  • robzxy94
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    robzxy94 polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks for the reply ! When I get back to it I will post an update ! 
  • robzxy94
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    robzxy94 polycounter lvl 5
    I am back to these bad boys and I think it works much better . I haven't posted any updates on the boots because I've been working on a likeness practice that will be in the end the head for this boots . The body I sculpted already and now I need to work a lot to make the head look how it should look like . 
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter

    Because of this the leather shouldn't wan't to fold on itself until it's above the ankle.

    Bingo ^^^

    The question is, why is that so? I'm not a cobbler, but I've worn a lot of boots and walked a lot of miles in boots, and I think the answer is that if you had folds in the lower part below the ankle, you'll get friction spots which will give you a blister. Bad day.

    But the point here is, understand what you are making. Study it. Understand how it is constructed and why it is constructed that way. Then you'll know exactly what to do and why it looks wrong when it looks wrong. Anything less than full understanding and you are working blind!

    Thing with leather boots is that you got to get your foot into them, out of them, and yet it can't be big and floppy for reasons I mentioned above. So make sure you understand where the extra leather goes and why, and how the cinch straps work as well.

  • robzxy94
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    robzxy94 polycounter lvl 5
    Today I've changed about everything on my boot . I started by making a boot last for simulation instead of using the feet as it is and with some MD work this is how my WIP looks like . 

  • robzxy94
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    robzxy94 polycounter lvl 5

    What do you think about this boot ? Personally I think this looks pretty nice and MD did a good simulation on them leather . If you have any opinions on how to make this any better you are more then welcome to tell me ! :smile:
    http://prntscr.com/nsvfft  => ref
  • robzxy94
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    robzxy94 polycounter lvl 5

    Hello there ! This is an update on my boots . If you know how to improve my boots I am gratefull for any critique that will lead me in a better direction 
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