Hello ! My name is Robert and I will post my wips here for you to critique it .
Lately I've been working on some boots in marvelous designer and zbrush and I am kinda stuck .

These are some of my tries I've done so far . About over 12 iterations so far .
What I want to do with these boots is to get a pirate like boots.
Because of this the leather shouldn't wan't to fold on itself until it's above the ankle.
Since you are working in MD I would also advise looking over some patterns for shoes. You'll see that the vast majority of shoes have the seam along the back as opposed to the sides.
The toe shape on the gray render looks good, just need to sort the excess material that's making these look like floppy wellies.
What do you think about this boot ? Personally I think this looks pretty nice and MD did a good simulation on them leather . If you have any opinions on how to make this any better you are more then welcome to tell me !
http://prntscr.com/nsvfft => ref
Hello there ! This is an update on my boots . If you know how to improve my boots I am gratefull for any critique that will lead me in a better direction