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Subverse (Kickstarter game crosses a million pounds)

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NikhilR polycounter
Check out this kickstarter for a AAA quality erotic game with RPG elements that crossed 1 million pounds and interestingly has had little to no initial press coverage.

I believe they weren't allowed to present at GDC.
Despite smashing its funding goal (excuse the pun) it isn't even a kickstarter "project we love." 
And it continues to grow and endure. 

The artist is pretty well known in our circles for his work and art tools/plugins. 
(company site is totally NSFW, think lara croft with horse)

Very commendable out of the box approach to game development in my perspective, and I felt it needed some coverage here.


  • RN
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    RN sublime tool
    And it continues to grow
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    RN said:
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Fuck it, I'm making porn.
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    Fuck it, I'm making porn.
    Its a popular market. I just find it ironical that this game falls in the category of kickstarter successes for video games that surpass their funding goals by a wide margin and has AAA quality with an artist that has worked for well known game companies through outsourcing, and yet hardly anyone wants to talk about it.

    Kinda hypocritical if you ask me. 
    Like Dragon Age Inquisition isn't outright porn but you do get to do it with a Minotaur I think, and the witcher is full of it.
    Heck Mass Effect which this game rubs after has the player character romancing several alien species, they just don't take it that one step further. 
    Its bizarre really. 
    I mean I get why larger AAA companies can't cross that line but is it right to be judgemental about the ones that do?
  • sacboi
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    sacboi high dynamic range
    ....of course sex sells and dev statements such as "...banging your team members" leaves little to the imagination as too their targeted demographic...or indeed default art style that particular player segment adheres towards.

    Hence I reckon, not  really difficult to reason why an industry radio silence, which given over recent years the push for increased female participation across the board would I think be quite obvious!?
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    Money well spent.
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    sacboi said:
    ....of course sex sells and dev statements such as "...banging your team members" leaves little to the imagination as too their targeted demographic...or indeed default art style that particular player segment adheres towards.

    Hence I reckon, not  really difficult to reason why an industry radio silence, which given over recent years the push for increased female participation across the board would I think be quite obvious!?
    See that's what I don't get, a guy I know used to work at the MindGeek officers here in Montreal, and most of his coworkers were women, usually Indian and Muslim women. They even have a video games division.

    The reason being that in Montreal its difficult to get work if you don't know french for some jobs and skill levels which is a problem many immigrants face on arrival.

    Many of these women have familes to go back to, and their job involves effectively watching porn as QA testers, sometimes horrifying violent and illegal porn. (since they have to filter that stuff out)

    I mean he eventually left since he couldn't take it anymore and doesn't mention the stint on his linkedin, but they're still there.
    Many of them for years now, since it pays the bills.

    Like I doubt any of them enjoy the job so much that they want to do TED talks about it, and MindGeek does have some pretty good reviews on glassdoor regardless of the job duties but this kind of throws that logic on its head.

    Like officially it sure looks good to say that, even though many games border on it, maybe they're more afraid of lawsuits and the associated costs of litigation should someone take offence.

    That also makes me wonder, does working on something like subverse as an artist affect your employment at other companies that have a problem with their um content. 
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Well, what can we say. Porn holds a certain taboo. I wouldn't use my real name to publish porn, that's for sure.

    Personally, I don't see anything wrong with porn. Animals like to procreate. It's healthy. It's not cocaine. The weird stuff, the violent stuff, the kinky stuff -- not really my bag so I wouldn't publish that but everybody got to find their own niche.

    I think the main thing is, for people who work really hard, take on a lot of risk, and try to deliver something with value greater than enticing base needs, marketing sex seems sort of like a hack move. But whatever, everybody got to eat, and there's much worse poison you could be peddling.

    I did watch the promo kickstarter trailer for subverse and despite the sex, it actually looks like a legit game with a lot of humor and style, so that probably counts for a lot.
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    Well, what can we say. Porn holds a certain taboo. I wouldn't use my real name to publish porn, that's for sure.

    Personally, I don't see anything wrong with porn. Animals like to procreate. It's healthy. It's not cocaine. The weird stuff, the violent stuff, the kinky stuff -- not really my bag so I wouldn't publish that but everybody got to find their own niche.
       Oh totally, I mean I don't want other AAA companies to jump in on the porn bandwagon, but looking at this game from an artwork and gameplay perspective, it clearly is striving for AAA quality, which is probably why kickstarter allowed it in the first place.

       I've heard that in Europe the attitudes to nudity (not explicit pornography) are much more forgiving than in the USA. So maybe its just an issue in some countries.

       Still found it interesting that mindgeek has so many women working for them given their content while game companies justify not having that content for the exact same reason.

       And for the women and others working at Mindgeek, some of the stuff they have to filter out is PTSD inducing, really commendable for having thicker skin to see through that for the sake of the job, regardless of what people might feel about the content in general.
    Like if there was none of that would be great for everyone, but someone needs to do the job.

  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Was just talking to a friend about this... they were saying that most successful kickstarters actually get funding before even launching. This helps give the illusion of virality, which then gives illusion of credibility. You know, just another marketing trick. Can't confirm how true or not this is, but that's usually how things go.

    In any case, I'm gonna make a sex game and see how it goes. Just got to come up with a good pseudo-name.
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    Well for this game, their parent has been making CG pornographic content for years now. They have a large enough user base who want to fund its development. 

    Wouldn't necessarily say that every venture like this would be successful.
     While I'm not sure why the team is describing it self like their potential sex offenders, they have been careful about the wording of the campaign, making it seem like a parody in general which is something to take away from making a kickstarter for this sort of content.

    That said I've seen pornographic games made in game maker that use stock content and focus mainly on the narrative (which is bad mind you) Basically you play it until you get a dirty picture usually a nude daz model in a pose.

    And these games make thousands of $ a month on patreon. 

    About whether artists who work on this would lose out on other opportunities, I'm not sure. The artist on this game has worked for AAA clients and is not using his psuedonym, so not sure if he's aware of the risk, or if there is even a risk to begin with. 
    Like while companies do vet potential employees, I doubt they would go so far as criminal background checks and medical exams for STD's. That would be crazy.
    There are usually enough safeguards in place during the probationary period to ensure a new employee isn't a liability to the company or a danger to themselves and other employees. 

    He and his team have done a lot for the community and the industry and it would be cruel to blacklist them for this.

    That said its a strange world, a lot of this is speculation.
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    If you got production expereince and you deliver art to the quality standard, whats the problem?

    I mean, my previous job was to kill people and destroy shit... but it was done legally so if anything most people laud it as "heroism." (in america anyway)

    As an employer, I'd just be looking for skillset that delivers my team to success. As an employee looking for an employer, I'm not looking for somebody who is judgemental about how I've earned my living in the past.
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
       Exactly, and usually the people who are very judgemental are few and far between, mostly the same bunch that make a hue and cry about it (don't need to name them here) That said most of them don't even work for game studios, they mostly go on about it on twitter.

       Most people (women included) in the games industry just want to do their job and go home to their families or cats or chickens if their into that.

       Also depends on the market where the studio is located, like I was in Toronto 5 years and the way people there operate there is totally different from how things are in Montreal where I am currently.

      Like a friend at a top studio in Toronto couldn't even dream of pulling up a nude reference that may suggest a pornographic intent which he could easily do in the same studios branch in Montreal. There are some subjects you can never discuss and you have to be incredibly careful of your conduct by comparison especially when dealing with topics deemed too sensitive by Toronto standards.

      Its probably why Mindgeek is located in Montreal instead of Toronto besides the tax benefits.
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    I used to live remotely in Alaska. I had lots of dry goods like rice and beans, but for meat I mostly needed to hunt. And you need to eat meat in Alaska. Hard to stay warm otherwise. Two years, I couldn't find a legal moose to shoot. But there's always plenty of squirrels. So I ate a lot of squirrels. And a few porcupines. Lot of people would never think to eat squirrels They might even laugh about it. But they weren't there. I don't care what sideline spectators have to say about nothing.
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    I used to live remotely in Alaska. I had lots of dry goods like rice and beans, but for meat I mostly needed to hunt. And you need to eat meat in Alaska. Hard to stay warm otherwise. Two years, I couldn't find a legal moose to shoot. But there's always plenty of squirrels. So I ate a lot of squirrels. And a few porcupines. Lot of people would never think to eat squirrels They might even laugh about it. But they weren't there. I don't care what sideline spectators have to say about nothing.
    That's a fascinating life! Must have been quite the challenge I expect. 
    And how do you eat a porcupine? Taking off all the spines must be crazy.
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Whack it with a blanket and most the spines stick to it. THen skin it like anything else. Native people make some pretty cool jewelry from porcupine quills.
  • NikhilR
    Offline / Send Message
    NikhilR polycounter
    Whack it with a blanket and most the spines stick to it. THen skin it like anything else. Native people make some pretty cool jewelry from porcupine quills.
    Marvellous! (I mean probably not for the porcupine) I expect it tastes very gamey?
    I would like to experience that lifestyle atleast once. 
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Things usually taste like what they eat. Porcupines taste like spruce bark (at least the ones up here.) Kind of greasy too. Not bad, but not great.

    But, this is way off topic....
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    Things usually taste like what they eat. Porcupines taste like spruce bark (at least the ones up here.) Kind of greasy too. Not bad, but not great.

    But, this is way off topic....
    It alright, its definitely interesting! 
    Of course comments on topic are welcome.
  • sacboi
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    sacboi high dynamic range
    Might be an opportunity here worth exploiting, chaps! Perhaps do some pokeing around, maybe a couple of openings vacant too fit yourselves into?!...on their team.
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    sacboi said:
    Might be an opportunity here worth exploiting, chaps! Perhaps do some pokeing around, maybe a couple of openings vacant too fit yourselves into?!...on their team.
    That's one way to get laid I suppose.

  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    3D sex scene is still a literal goldmine. If you can do animation and good 3D characters and are willing to do it / team up with someone who can do the other, you can print money if you don't totally fail at getting it out there. The bar of entry is still really low from a work standpoint.
    If I just cared about making money, id definitely do that. 
    I think its a not-so-secret secret tip.
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    Shrike said:
    3D sex scene is still a literal goldmine. If you can do animation and good 3D characters and are willing to do it / team up with someone who can do the other, you can print money if you don't totally fail at getting it out there. The bar of entry is still really low from a work standpoint.
    If I just cared about making money, id definitely do that. 
    I think its a not-so-secret secret tip.

    Very true. These people really seem to be enjoying working on it though. 
    Its still a legitimate business for the most part. 
  • RN
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    RN sublime tool
    I can think of some cons:

    - What do you tell your friends and family when they ask you what do you do, or want to see your work?  
    - What happens when you're not in the mood? (You might think you'll be able to consistently put out work, but I suspect this theme gets old quick.) 
    - What do you do if your approach to sexuality is too "normie" / not obscene enough for the demand you'll have?
    - You'll have literally nothing to show (portfolio wise) for all the time you spent making this art, unless you work double to make some SFW / unreleased art that nobody is going to recognize.
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    RN said:
    I can think of some cons:

    - What do you tell your friends and family when they ask you what do you do, or want to see your work?  
    - What happens when you're not in the mood? (You might think you'll be able to consistently put out work, but I suspect this theme gets old quick.) 
    - What do you do if your approach to sexuality is too "normie" / not obscene enough for the demand you'll have?
    - You'll have literally nothing to show (portfolio wise) for all the time you spent making this art, unless you work double to make some SFW / unreleased art that nobody is going to recognize.
    I do wonder if the creators of Subverse would write a point or two about this just out of genuine curiosity.
    I know the artist is on polycount and I wonder if I should tag them.
    Personally I have nothing against artists working on such content, like its still art in a manner of speak, just has a very controversial market.
    Maybe many artists have no choice in the end but to be a part of this.
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    defintiely don't call them out. That would be straight up evil.

    I'm not sure its so controversial anymore. Still taboo and awkward, but probably only controversial for like your in-laws or crazy uncle.

    I'm sure the artist building this particular game have a choice -- clearly they are experienced and talented. Maybe they just really love the genre, or consider it a less-risky financial endeavor.
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    defintiely don't call them out. That would be straight up evil.

    I'm not sure its so controversial anymore. Still taboo and awkward, but probably only controversial for like your in-laws or crazy uncle.

    I'm sure the artist building this particular game have a choice -- clearly they are experienced and talented. Maybe they just really love the genre, or consider it a less-risky financial endeavor.
    Oh I was meaning that in a positive way. Like I'm definitely curious about the motivations artists have about working in this line of work. 
    I definitely think its less controversial than actual pornographic video content. Though some do border on down right illegal, well actually not border more like embrace with tentacles.

    Like I know of this popular SFM series based on characters of Ellie from last of us and that little girl from Resident evil, with some supermutants thrown in for good measure. (to give an idea of the level of depravity)

    I've heard that those artists have day jobs in popular AAA companies but would dare not let their real identities become public.
    Its in interesting lifestyle definitely living on the edge. 
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Well, it's probably just seen as a less risky way to make money. Sex sells, always has always will. If you don't got any hang-ups with it, why not give the people what they want?

    Someone else can make the super-niche psycho stuff. That's not my bag. But if theres a market there's a market.
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    Well, it's probably just seen as a less risky way to make money. Sex sells, always has always will. If you don't got any hang-ups with it, why not give the people what they want?

    Someone else can make the super-niche psycho stuff. That's not my bag. But if theres a market there's a market.
    Very true. I still see it as an 3D artist doing 3D art. 
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